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What is accreditation?
Businesses listed below employ at least one technician qualified to a Cytech technical two standard or higher and are full members of the Association of Cycle Traders (UK).Cyclesense Ltd, Tadcaster, North Yorkshire
20 - 22 High Street
North Yorkshire
LS24 9AT
Telephone: 01937 530 303
Fax: 01937 834 507
Cyclesense was born in 1991, fulfilling the childhood dream of David Stainthorpe. Dave had always wanted a bike shop. As a child he used to take bikes apart, swap bits and sell them to friends.
At Cyclesense Tadcaster we stock a tremendous range of bikes that often astounds visitors. There really is a bike to suit all riders. Road, Mountain, Sports-Hybrids, Commuting and Touring.
At Cyclesense we strive to provide the best quality service there is and you can rest assured that we will try our hardest to ensure that you get what you need to make your cycling more enjoyable and rewarding.
We also provide a comprehensive range of service including a fully equipped service centre and a huge range of quality cycling products.
Qualified Staff
Name | Cytech qualifications |
Marc Roberts |
Technical one
Technical two apprenticeship |
Paul Stainthorpe |
Technical one
David Stainthorpe |
Technical one
How to find us
Directions to this shop
Opening hours
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
09:00 – 17:00
10:00 – 16:00